Summer is Here!

Fall, winter, spring have pass, and now we are into the summer season!  Lotsa to do : staycations, getaways or simply catchin up with family, pals, work, anything and everything just to ensure summer is well spent when all zip back to work. 

Summer season, or here in Singapore where we get tropical heat most of the time, will probably have (eat) something light, so salads, breads, rice dishes, or very light noodles, and ice, frozen to now cold press drinks, the suggested food and drinks should work, and are on our diet list.  Not to forget the bbq with friends. 

 And when it gets hot watching the movies in the many cinemas is the best idea, with the air conditioner that is cold, and ensures the best of entertainment - let not the Jurassic IndoRaptor scare you!

And zines, magazines, am so into them..and your fave books too -- mine is at 
Neal's Yard Remedies Healing Foods : Eat Your Way to a Healthier Life.

And yes indeed the world cup is the Shanghai Expat to share with you

Here are some lemonade recipes to get you going 

You can sign up for some getaways reads on where to go, hotels and places

Cheers till we are here again with our tapestry of anecdotes.


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