Retail Therapy

Retail therapy is fabulous, be it online and offline, to clinch a good buy is great. Some of the good and reasonable highstreet stuff include H&M, Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, Espirit (revival) and a whole lotta more! Be it in SG, HK, or anywhere, being able to get a satisfactory buy, hopefully in time for Christmas will be the best. And this Christmas if you are busy as a beeee, online shopping will be a good idea. Remember going to town, brightly and beautifully lit lights, you have to go through long queues at the counter, hopefully you get service throughout, and then wait for the cabs with all your gifts, hopefully you get a cab. It can get stressful or exciting as you soak in the festive atmosphere. But you just like it anyhow, do check into a hotel so that you can just fully shop!! It is beginning to look like Christmas...


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